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Recognize the symptoms of "Blaster"

Posted by Game cheat code zoo tycoon On 21.21 0 komentar

There are four types of symptoms that could be identified if your Windows system has been infected with Blaster worm.

1. File "Msblast.exe": there msblast file. exe in the folder "C: \ windows \ system32" or folder "C: WINNT \ system32" if the windows 2000.

2. Msblast.exe entry in the registry: Windows registry on the system, there are entry "msblast.exe". How click "start-run" then type regedit and press enter. If the entry "HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Cuurent \ Version \ Run \ windows auto update" leads to the file "msblaster.exe", confirmed infected with the blaster system.

3. process: Task maneger run by pressing the "Ctrl + Alt + Del", look for whether there is a process of application "msblast.exe". if it is found, you can turn it off, by click "End Task".

4. Periodically restart:
If your windows restarts itself often restart itself after an error message comes from windows, especially when you've just online to the Internet, beware blaster worm attack.


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