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Macro table-to-text

Posted by Game cheat code zoo tycoon On 21.25 0 komentar

Because the table is often met in the conversion to text je, we decided not to write a macro to speed things up. Macro is very short, so even if this does not bother you rarely wear.

To create a macro, a street word press Alt + F11. when VBS editor opens, click the module's folder in the left pane and select insert module. Now add the following line to a new module:

Sub-table ()
Selection table (1). Select
Selection. Row. convers to text separator: = wdseparate by tabs, bested tables: = true
Selection style = active document styles ( "normal")
Selection. Move down the unit: = Wdline, count: = 1
End tab
Press Alt + Q to return word. to use this macro, click in the table you want to convert. next, press Alt + F8 and double-click the table '.


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