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Macro table-to-text

Posted by Game cheat code zoo tycoon On 21.25 0 komentar

Because the table is often met in the conversion to text je, we decided not to write a macro to speed things up. Macro is very short, so even if this does not bother you rarely wear.

To create a macro, a street word press Alt + F11. when VBS editor opens, click the module's folder in the left pane and select insert module. Now add the following line to a new module:

Sub-table ()
Selection table (1). Select
Selection. Row. convers to text separator: = wdseparate by tabs, bested tables: = true
Selection style = active document styles ( "normal")
Selection. Move down the unit: = Wdline, count: = 1
End tab
Press Alt + Q to return word. to use this macro, click in the table you want to convert. next, press Alt + F8 and double-click the table '.

Recognize the symptoms of "Blaster"

Posted by Game cheat code zoo tycoon On 21.21 0 komentar

There are four types of symptoms that could be identified if your Windows system has been infected with Blaster worm.

1. File "Msblast.exe": there msblast file. exe in the folder "C: \ windows \ system32" or folder "C: WINNT \ system32" if the windows 2000.

2. Msblast.exe entry in the registry: Windows registry on the system, there are entry "msblast.exe". How click "start-run" then type regedit and press enter. If the entry "HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Cuurent \ Version \ Run \ windows auto update" leads to the file "msblaster.exe", confirmed infected with the blaster system.

3. process: Task maneger run by pressing the "Ctrl + Alt + Del", look for whether there is a process of application "msblast.exe". if it is found, you can turn it off, by click "End Task".

4. Periodically restart:
If your windows restarts itself often restart itself after an error message comes from windows, especially when you've just online to the Internet, beware blaster worm attack.

Optimum potential of digital media

Posted by Game cheat code zoo tycoon On 04.27 0 komentar

Microsoft has officially launched a series of windows media player 9। there was no significant difference compared to the beta version that had available for some time ago।

The latest version is rumored media player will be able to optimize the potential use of the media player. He was armed with the latest range of codecs to play a variety of digital media commonly used.

Promising digital media player sound quality is better than the previous series. Microsoft claims that this program is the first to support streaming media from the internet with 5.1 surround sound and the speed of 128 kbps and the clarity of the sound level to 96kHz/24-bit.

Smart jukebox functions - it allows the use to manage up to 10,000 digital media. Along with that, Microsoft also discounts a license for the use of the format WMA [Windows Media Video] in other operation system. Thus it was hoped that this format will be increasingly popular as a standard digital media formats and compete with the future MPEG-4 format.
Add "plus packs" offered for those who want a function like "sleep", the CD label editor, and analog recorders. Plus function is not given freely, an additional fee charged for this function is approximately U.S. $ 20.

Microsoft has officially launched a series of windows media player 9. there was no significant difference compared to the beta version that had available for some time ago.

The latest version is rumored media player will be able to optimize the potential use of the media player. He was armed with the latest range of codecs to play a variety of digital media commonly used.

Promising digital media player sound quality is better than the previous series. Microsoft claims that this program is the first to support streaming media from the internet with 5.1 surround sound and the speed of 128 kbps and the clarity of the sound level to 96kHz/24-bit.

Smart jukebox functions - it allows the use to manage up to 10,000 digital media. Along with that, Microsoft also discounts a license for the use of the format WMA [Windows Media Video] in other operation system. Thus it was hoped that this format will be increasingly popular as a standard digital media formats and compete with the future MPEG-4 format.
Add "plus packs" offered for those who want a function like "sleep", the CD label editor, and analog recorders. Plus function is not given freely, an additional fee charged for this function is approximately U.S. $ 20.